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Enrique Escudero

Enrique Escudero, MSc Senior Associate

Enrique joined Wealth Advisory Group, LLC in 1998. He works on the development, implementation and management of insurance funding for high-net-worth individuals, family-owned companies, and banks around the world. He holds a master’s degree in Engineering from the University of California Davis and is a candidate for a Ph.D. at University of California Berkeley. He is a Fulbright Scholar and a member of the Knights of Malta – Peruvian Association

Enrique has over 20 years of experience in the insurance and financial services industry. After many years as a Civil Engineering Executive and private consultant for U.S. companies contracting in Latin America and Europe, he joined Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company in 1990. As a representative with Mass Mutual, Enrique offered life, disability, and health insurance products throughout California, Florida, and Washington D.C. During this tenure, he was named a Million Dollar Round Table member for 8 years in a row, earning Court Member status for 3 of those years.

Enrique specializes in assisting high net worth domestic and international clients (including many valued clients throughout Latin America and Europe). He offers sophisticated financial strategies and products for executives, professionals, entrepreneurs and family-owned businesses. He also provides estate planning analysis, private placement life insurance, premium financing solutions, wealth succession and preservation programs for individuals and family-owned businesses.

Enrique has two children, three grandchildren, and resides in San Marino, CA